Corona del Mar Christmas Walk
A Highly Publicized and Highly Attended Event
Deadline for full sponsor benefit: Oct 15th
Maximize your exposure this Holiday Season through a variety of pre & post event media reaching thousands within the community!
Sponsorship Levels:
PRESENTING SPONSOR: (Maximum & Exclusive Exposure): $15,000
- Top Tier Logo/brand featured on all media, publicity and marketing pre & post event.
- Top Tier Website Advertising & Social Media Recognition.
- Top Tier Logo/Brand Recognition on Event Posters placed in all CDM Business Windows
- Top Tier Logo/Brand Recognition on all Newspaper/Print Publication Ads.
- Radio name recognition on KOCI Public Service Announcements Pre-event & live interview on event day.
- Full-page four color ad in event day program distributed to 5,000 event participants.
- Logo featured on the front of 7,000 event opportunity drawing tickets distributed 1 month in advance of event.
- Exclusive logo on Event Road Banner placed at Intersection of Coast Hwy & Marguerite 2 weeks prior to event.
- Stage Recognition & Script announcement read by all bands periodically throughout the day.
- Prime location exhibit space on event day (Includes: Premium Tent, Table, Linen & Chairs).
- Opportunity to place swag bags or banners in Beer & Wine Garden.
- Sponsor to receive 20 Opportunity Drawing Tickets for a chance to win over $15,000 worth of prizes.
- Sponsor to receive a custom 20ft company banner display for featured signage throughout event.
- Your contribution assists in providing toys for children of Military families in time for the holidays thru the U.S. Marines Toys-4-Tots.
- First rights of refusal for subsequent years as Presenting Sponsor Level.
CORPORATE SPONSOR (Second Tier Benefit) $10,000
- Second Tier Logo/brand recognition on all media, publicity and marketing pre & post event.
- Second Tier Website Advertising & Social Media Recognition.
- Second Tier Logo/Brand Recognition on Event Posters placed in all CDM Business Windows
- Second Tier Logo/Brand Recognition on all Digital/Print Publication Ads.
- Radio name recognition on KOCI Public Service Announcements Pre-event & live interview on event day.
- Full page four-color ad in event day program distributed to 5,000 event participants.
- Prime location exhibit space on event day (Includes: Premium Tent, Table, Linen & Chairs).
- Sponsor to receive 10 Opportunity Drawing Tickets for a chance to win over $15,000 worth of prizes.
- First Right of Refusal for Presenting Level When Available.
- Logo & company message on participant entry wristbands.
- 10Ft Banner at Entrance as Sponsoring Company
- Opportunity to place swag bags or banners in Beer & Wine Garden.
- Prime location exhibit space on event day in sponsor row (Includes: 10 x 10 Premium Tent, Table, Linen & Chairs).
TICKET AD SPONSOR (Exclusive) $4,000
(Also Receives benefits of Program & Advertising Sponsor)
- Place your 4-color ad on the back of 7,000 event opportunity drawing tickets distributed throughout the community beginning
- November 1st through event day on December 2nd.
- Event Day exhibit space in Vendor Faire (Includes 10 x 10 canopy, table, linen and chairs.
- This is an exclusive opportunity and Sponsor will receive the first rights of refusal for consecutive year placement.
- (Also Receives (benefits of Program & Advertising Sponsor)
- Full Page Color Ad in Event Day Program – Distributed to over 5,000 people throughout the Community
- Logo/brand recognition in all media, publicity & marketing material pre-post event.
- Logo/brand recognition on Event Posters placed in all CDM Business Windows one month in advance.
- Logo/Brand Recognition on all Digital Newspaper/Print Publication Ads.
- Logo recognition on Website Advertising & Social Media Recognition.
- Event Day exhibit space in prime location in the Vendor Faire (Includes: 10 x 10 Canopy, table Linen & Chairs)
- Logo/brand recognition in all media, publicity & marketing material pre-post event.
- Logo/brand recognition on Event Posters placed in all CDM Business Windows one month in advance.
- Logo/Brand Recognition on all Digital/Print News Publication Ads.
- Logo recognition on Website Advertising & Social Media Recognition.
- Logo recognition in Event Day Program distributed to 5,000 event participants
- Event Day exhibit space in the Vendor Faire (Includes: 10 x 10 Canopy, table Linen & Chairs)
Sponsor Online Registration:
For Printable Information and Registration Form – Click Here
Deadline for all levels to receive full benefit: Oct 15TH
Sponsorship is non refundable unless event cancels due to Covid only.