

Dr. Rana Mays, M.D., FAAD is a Dual Board-Certified Dermatologist specializing in Medical, Cosmetic, Surgical, and Hair Loss Dermatology. Mays Dermatology is a full-service dermatology practice in the heart of Corona Del Mar. We offer same-day appointments for any dermatologic condition, and all appointments and procedures are performed only by the Board-Certified Dermatologist.

Mays Dermatology offers extensive medical dermatology services as well as state-of-the-art cosmetic dermatology and hair loss procedures. Dr. Mays lectures nationally on hair loss and dermatologic conditions. Mays Dermatology is an insurance-free practice, allowing patients the unique opportunity to have DIRECT access to a Board-Certified Dermatologist without limits on care.

We offer same-day appointments that run on time, non-rushed dedicated visit duration, easy online scheduling, add-on procedures, and concierge membership options. Our unique direct care model allows for unparalleled quality of dermatologic care and transparent pricing customized to each patient’s needs.

We understand it is oftentimes difficult to see a truly Board-Certified Dermatologist, as opposed to a physician assistant or nurse practitioner. At Mays Dermatology, every visit and every procedure are with the Double Board-Certified Dermatologist (not a physician assistant or nurse practitioner or aesthetician).

Dr. Mays focuses on quality care customized to your needs and direct access to your Dermatologist. Dr. Mays believes in empowering her patients and, as such, allows her patients to choose their scheduled appointment times at their convenience and for the length of time that suits their needs/desires. She never wants her patients to feel rushed through an office visit and ensures your entire visit time is dedicated to you.

Instagram: @maysdermatology
Facebook: Mays Dermatology & Cosmetic Center


January 16, 2024

Mays Dermatology

About Dr. Rana Mays, M.D., FAAD is a Dual Board-Certified Dermatologist specializing in Medical, Cosmetic, Surgical, and Hair Loss Dermatology. Mays Dermatology is a full-service dermatology […]